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# Content

  1. Introduction
  2. General Statistics
  3. Friendship Ratings
  4. Relationship Ratings
  5. Socionics Intertype Ratings

# Friendship Ratings - ESTJ

# ESTJ friendships

Jump to: ESTJ Relationships Ratings

# How ESTJs perceive their friendships with other types

The chart below displays the average rating for each matchup and their respective error bars. It uses a wilson confidence interval of 90%. It means that given the number of responses we collected, we are 90% confident that the real population average is within this range (the more responses we get, the more accurate the average is).

How ESTJs perceive their friendships with other typesRatings

Based on 11 friendships data.

# How other types perceive their friendships with ESTJs

The chart below displays the average rating for each matchup and their respective error bars. It uses a wilson confidence interval of 90%. It means that given the number of responses we collected, we are 90% confident that the real population average is within this range (the more responses we get, the more accurate the average is).

How types perceive their friendships with ESTJsRatings

Based on 47 friendships data.

Post updated: 2017-12-04

This page is just an experiment without enough data to draw significant results, it has no scientifical validity whatsoever.

Data source: CSV - Survey - Original Reddit post

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