$> man42.net • Blog written by a human
- ~Recent• New posts
- /tech/• Tech posts
- 2019-04en•Fix missing unicode characters (Ubuntu / Mint)
- 2018-03en•How to backup your Google Authenticator QR codes (Android)
- 2017-07en•How to migrate a Debian server (with rsync)
- 2016-12en•How to safely escape user data in a script tag
- 2016-12en•How to store secrets in git with blackbox
- 2016-10en•How to setup react-intl for translating your app
- 2016-09en•couriertls / pop3d-ssl: Fix error 0906D06C
- 2016-08en•Linux Mint/Ubuntu & Exaile: Activate Multimedia Keys
- 2016-08en•List of coworking spaces in Berlin
- 2016-08en•React: workaround for inconsistent onMouseLeave behavior
- 2016-07en•rkhunter: more verbose email alerts
- 2016-06en•Webpack: Reducing the size of your output file (bundle.js)
- 2016-06en•Setting up Visual Studio Code or Atom to use typescript@next
- 2014-04en•Debian, xfce4 & Spotify: Activate Multimedia Keys
- 2014-04en•Debian Jessie & Windows 7: Fixing System Clock
- 2014-01en•Debian Jessie & Gnome3: How-To Activate Hibernation
- 2013-10en•Fixing Sennheiser PX 200-II: red, green, blue, gold wires
- 2013-04en•JSHint: disabling a warning globally
- 2012-06en•Node.js: garbage collector explicit call
- 2012-05en•Qt 4 - QObject multiple inheritance & pure virtuals as signals
- 2012-05en•My experience with Node.js
- 2012-03en•Overview of character sets, character encodings and Unicode
- 2011-10en•C++ internals: behind the virtual keyword
- 2011-09en•Qt 4 - Modify a custom Q_PROPERTY with a Qt Style Sheet
- 2011-09en•pthread-w32 for Windows 64-bit
- /dataviz/• Data Visualization Experiments
- /life/• Things about life
- /misc/• Random things
- /about/• About me